Saturday, May 28, 2011

Joplin, Missouri Area Pastors Take Heed

Beloved in Joplin, Missouri Take Heed!
The philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other counselors are coming your way with their wisdom of the world.  They are ready to make merchandise of orphans and those who have lost their families as if they are "specialists" in dealing with grief and loss of life.  In this article they call it a "forever loss" and also claim that the trauma could cause all sorts of problems in peoples lives, promiscuity, etc.  

You should learn what the Diagnostic And Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is "The DSM" and also understand that these devils (all of them inclusive) are masters at their craft and have every intention of making merchandise of people after a disaster by counsel and even more sinister by diagnosis and drug treatment of "disorders" and "mental illness".  You better take this serious! 

Let me go on record and say there is NO SUCH THING as a CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGIST or a CHRISTIAN PSYCHIATRIST!  Did you hear that?  Let it sink in real good!

The News UNIT is calling on every God fearing person in that "bible-belt" area of the U.S.A. to be sober and vigilant now as your adversary the Devil is out seeking whom he may devour.

In this story below a young boy lost his parents but his testimony is just as he said, "They are with Jesus."  He's a prime candidate for the adversary.  Get busy!,0,234534.story
