Sunday, November 27, 2011

Beans, Bullets, and Bullion

Some say this is THE END GAME:

With the threat of a global economic meltdown comes a last ditch effort underway to save tangible assets and commodities such as gold and silver as global fiat currencies are being questioned as having any intrinsic value.

Recently Canadian billionaire Eric Sprott of Sprott Asset Management in Canada announced his plans to purchase $1.5 BILLION dollars worth of physical silver bullion. This announcement comes in a time when the world markets are in disarray as the breakup of the Euro threatens to catapult the global economy into destruction triggering a domino effect of catastrophic computer sell off algorithms. 

How much SILVER and GOLD should people own?

Sit back, REMAIN CALM, relax, watch the stock market crash, watch a few YOU TUBE videos, and buy some emergency SILVER and GOLD when you see fit.  I got to thinking about GOLD and SILVER here and I figure it would be good to have 12 ounces of GOLD and at least 365 ounces of SILVER for an economic emergency.  Why I picked those numbers?

I picked those numbers because I figure it's an INSURANCE POLICY and not an INVESTMENT.  I'm guessing an economic default would last about a year so then one ounce of GOLD per month would be good for barter and/or one ounce of SILVER per day for barter.  

It's obvious that most of us couldn't afford to get both but you may be able to afford to get one or the other or perhaps both.  Do the math and this is just an idea.  And remember a good question to ask is:  HOW MUCH CAN I ACTUALLY CARRY WITH ME?...developing...

A friend of mine wrote me and said:

I keep saying it but people either ignore it or don't like the reality I preach.

We are rapidlly approcahing the point when THE WORLD RUNS OUT OF INDUSTRIAL QUANTITIES of silver. There will be almost none left to be mined and that in industry can BOT be reclaimed. Unlike gold where 99% is reclaimed less than 1% fo silver is reclaimed. It is used in minute amounts meaning the expense of reclaiming silver from things like ofl integrated circuits or tiny parts in watches would cost thousands of dollar per ounce to reclaim. NOT going to happen.

You can't grow it and nothing will substitute for it.

Until that day arrives criminal governments, Goldman Sachs, IMF and many other can and will set the price to whatever they like.

The price setting of supply and demand does not apply in illegal monopoly schemes.

Fortunately the earth will run our of silver anywhere from next month to five years from now. The amount of silver is now a "secret" as of November 1st. We had less than one year's of silver remaining for industry at that time and miners were reporting new silver was DROPPING in spite of a tripling of mining (of all metals -- a silver mine is now very rare - most silver is found in very small quantities mixed with zinc, iron, etc

Forecasting future prices is foolish. Like forecasting a Las Vegas card game where the dealer is cheating with marked cards.

WHEN we run out and not until then and price is set by supply and demand will price become honest.

Those who are investors just need patience. Those who are speculators and gamblers should get out of a game that is fixed by the house; Criminals all.

Some people have crazy ideas about guns. BTW - in some states "concealed weapon" means just that. Concealed. A lady lost her hand gun permit after her sweater blew open at a football game showing her gun for a brief moment. A gun nut saw it happen. We all need to remain active in the NRA and make sure the 2nd Amendment is never touched. Without it the other amendments are worthless.
