Friday, April 5, 2013

60 MINUTES to broadcast GUN-CONTROL program


Media campaign to ASSAULT the Bill Of Rights

President Obama is currently out traveling across the country on his campaign to destroy THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS.  The president and other members of Congress and various other officials in state, local and federal government positions are openly ganging up against we the people to VIOLATE THEIR OATH OF OFFICES and continue their unconstitutional assault:

Newtown Parents make lifelong vow to destroy Bill Of Rights

Watch 60 minutes get in on the action this weekend as they broadcast their latest interview with Sandy Hook parents and families to continue their plan to abolish the rights and liberties of we the people.  And you know what?  It is being reported that THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS actually want this: 

You know these enemies of we the people are a real problem when they have the media and other elected lawless officials backing their assault against The U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights.  Especially when Americans who uphold their rights according to the U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights are now called ANTI-GOVERNMENT POTENTIAL TERRORISTS: 

INFOWARS and THE DRUGE REPORT now being attacked

There is now credible evidence which is being reported by both INFOWARS and THE DRUDGE REPORT that they are being directly attacked as thes ANTI-Constitution and ANTI-Bill Of Rights groups join forces with President Obama and other officials, LAW ENFORCEMENT assault teams, the MENTAL HEALTH INDUSTY, and other anti-Constitution special interest groups to fight hard against anyone who upholds their unalienable rights. 

If you think this attack is going away think again.  It's going to gain momentum like you've never expected.  These threats by some senators do have filibusters will no nothing to stop it even though you would think Harvard and Yale graduates would be able to understand the English of the U.S. Constitution.  Instead however they have been schooled into the law profession which is why they are also often referred to as "lawmakers." 

Now watch the 60 MINUTES video preview here below:
