Saturday, July 18, 2015

Greek Government issues DECREE for BANKS TO REOPEN Monday

Watch the Greeks held captive by currency

Notice how we are all slaves to CURRENCY

I posted this because it is Greece news but if you watch this video closely there's a message here than no one is mentioning.  You have to study it though and for me it came rather quickly to realize that we are all slaves to money.  Just watch the look on people's faces and how they flock to the ATM machine.  Eventually the powers that be will announce a NEW GLOBAL DECREE that all money is worthless and only digitally issued currency will be allowed for trade.  Do you think not?

Although the Greek Government issued this decree the Greek Government is a puppet government subservient to the IMF, the ECB the EU and the EURO.  This is going to be powerful for the EURO CURRENCY as it takes complete control of the lives of people just as the U.S. DOLLAR and other currencies do likewise.  

I think all the noise about September may be true and I will soon be looking over some things and giving my take on the matter for what it's worth.  Stay tuned and by all means BE PREPARED.  Trouble is dead ahead!