Wednesday, July 1, 2015

No Greece deal -- Putin is waiting in the shadows


Tsipras tells Greeks to vote "NO" on Sunday

  • Putin is PLAN B which may lead to WORLD WAR III.
  • CNBC is giddy about American stock growth and strong dollar.
  • God is watching and his wrath is kindled over the Rainbow White House.
  • TROUBLE IS COMING FOLKS!  And it will be swift destruction.  We have a large population that is reveling in riches and thinks they are secure.  No one is safe from what lies dead ahead.

Watch Greece strike a deal with Russia and then some real waves are going to roll across the world as Putin steps up on the scene taking down NATO and establishing the BRICS NATIONS along with Greece.  You don't think so?  A top former Reagan administration official had some things to say concerning this matter:
