Saturday, October 17, 2015

Marijuana SWAT TEAM raids home in a state that has legalized marijuana use and sales


Is MARIJUANA LEGAL or NOT?  Can anyone tell us plainly?

I guess we have to hire attorneys for $350/hour to explain it all

Who really are the criminals in America today?

Is anyone else confused by our Constitutional rights and unconstitutional laws here in America?  This kind of thing is really confusing.  Your legal to do this or that but apparently there are still cases of SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT.  What's the rule?  You have to ask the ATTORNEYS now since we have such a complicated and unjust justice system.  It's all about making money right?

This is another one of those situations where some officials will tell you that your TECHNICALLY LEGAL but then your TECHNICALLY NOT LEGAL at the same time.  Are you still confused by all this confusion and every evil work?  I know--so am I:

Many support the legalization of marijuana and are learning that marijuana actually has health benefits not limited to cancer prevention and treatment:

Watch and listen to what Jessee Ventura said about HEMP and MARIJUANA to a caller that called into INFOWARS recently:

CLICK THIS LINK to get right to the caller: 
