Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ted Cruz cannot be U.S. President according to a Constitutional Attorney

Do we have a U.S. CONSTITUTION?

*****The U.S.A. is in an UNCONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS*****

Is America a dying nation on its way to hell?


Who knows the U.S. CONSTITUTION anymore?

From Harney, County Oregon to Washington D.C.

The United States of America is DIVIDED over the U.S. CONSTITUTION

Seems when a REASONABLE DISCUSSION over the U.S. Constitution is requested it leads to great and unnecessary conflict.  Then the FBI is called in (along with agent provocateurs) and people end up dead.  Does anyone really uphold their OATH OF OFFICE or do we just have rank enemies of America running wild? QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS ARE RISING ACROSS THIS NATION.

Many have died and there are many injured parties as a result of all of this evil in our land:

Can we do what is right anymore in America?

The FBI is reportedly about to massacre even more peaceful occupants (perhaps also somewhat ignorant) who have legitimate U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL GRIEVANCES and WASHINGTON D.C. looks the other way and disregards the U.S. CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS.   America is beginning to look more and more like the enemies and adversaries of America seek to pervert justice and judgement and are prevailing against We the People with no regard for their oath of office. These truly are perilous times for America as we begin killing each other this rising Constitutional conflict. 

With the death of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Occupant and Rancher Robert "LaVoy" Finicum who was shot by FBI agents in a traffic stop on HIGHWAY 395 north of Burns, Oregon, there are questions that remain on how and what actually happened. 

Donald Trump recently TWEETED this in regards to Ted Cruz:

Here is the story on this in the Washington Post:

Our own President Obama bragged on himself at his last State of the Union Address that he taught Constitutional Law.  Glenn Beck recently bragged on Ted Cruz how Ted Cruz is a man of God and he is a man of the U.S. CONSTITUTION also.  But who really knows the U.S. CONSTITUTION? Is our current U.S. President even eligible for his last two terms?  

Our nation is really giving the appearance that nothing really matters anymore as we have watched justice being perverted along with a load of other problems given to us by years of oath of office violators as these enemies of America have been allowed to creep in and do all manner of mischief to this once great nation.

Do you want to make America great again?  Then vote for the one who keeps on telling you he desires to make America great again--Donald Trump.  If you don't we all LOSE this time around.

Listen to how one American feels about the current events here in America.  Trump is right that this nation is truly going to hell:
