Monday, September 26, 2016


Where did GOD go in all of this?

Is he on vacation for a time?

Is God busy chastising his own and threatening us with more suffering while the world exalts themselves?

We now have the medical industry in full cooperation with UNNATURAL AFFECTION and turning the NATURAL USE into UNNATURAL USE. 

Maybe God just decided to let this world run its course and do what it wants from here on in. He might have cancelled his prophecies.  Wouldn't that be something! 

The GATES OF HELL are prevailing 

Let's see if we can figure this out:

The REAL MAN who wants to be a woman didn't have the baby naturally.  The REAL WOMAN who wants to be called a man had the baby.  But the one who had the baby is not the mother it's the father that had the baby?  Is that right?   We have to get our minds trained to receive this new phenomena so we're not biased into natural thoughts right?  Get it?

Seems like this new generation and culture is being taught to be LGBTQIA.  Men are being taught to like the unnatural affection between two women and take part in all manner of sexual perversions but all this is being exalted as normal while in the churches today marriage is forbidden more and more.  AND DON'T TELL ME MARRIAGE IS NOT FORBIDDEN IN THE CHURCH BECAUSE IT IS so even the CHURCH is corrupted now.  So it must be the gates of hell are prevailing against it.

This is a BLESSING and it's LOVE of course...

I hope it is the end of the world!  Even so, come Lord Jesus. Let's get this over with!
